nice to meet you.



In a world and time in which we are in danger of tangibly losing our human values and intrinsic function, we are more and more recognizably reminded of our essential need to want to live our selves and give purposeful form and direction.
Each in their own unique way, using the given talents present in you and an appropriated will for well-being and happiness.


Through ‘Another View at Viewing and the Power of Language’ aim to reclaim your inner self as a guide in your life.


The person-centered counseling and content of The Art of CCB is characterized by simplicity, recognizability, quality, honesty and timelessness. The working method carried and stemming from a great personal lived expertise and education.


Experienced in applying and guiding individual and group processes, with the aim of coming to awareness and rediscovering authentic action. Putting the common sense at the service of this. Resulting in natural, practical ways of acting and thinking.From a deep respect for the life of your self, using what your ‘I’ has to tell you.


By looking differently at what life brings you and asks of you, you gain insight into deeper substantive stories of your existence.
And you can learn to listen, recognize, acknowledge, appropriate and understand them and thus find and be your own answer.


To give it pure language, through which you become visible in your true presence.


The outer assigned truth of the events changes to a substantive known meaning and value of them.


You are your Self.


You possess insights into your authentic thinking, your thought patterns and their consequences.


You know your perceptions and those of others and are aware of your circumstances.

And know the power and function of projection and your ego in this whole.


You are able to consciously choose anew at any moment and with the help of your own carefully appropriated I-power to make the distinction and thereby take up your entire function again.


You are equipped to work creatively and from your unique capabilities inspired and innovative to shape your whole now known self.

Possessing the answer and capable of giving it pure language.


Communicating your truth.


Remembering yourself completely and expressing your true power.



‘Tell truth, always tell truth.
It satisfies your soul.’

Maya Angelou

How to approach us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk regarding your pursuits,

new projects, creative opportunities and how we can serve.