curious, conscious Beings


We love to share our lived insights and creative work in publications.

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We love to recommend the creative work of the ones who inspired us.

Dr. Maya Angelou

Poet, author and civil rights leader

A Bright Light


The wisdom of Dr. Maya Angelou and her warm, honest, not to mess with tone in her voice has guided us through many dark hours. The life quotes she shares are filled with a life wisdom that encompasses a rich inner knowing. The source of which can be found in intense en deeply lived life-experiences.


We wholeheartedly recommend to inform yourself, read her books, listen to her poems and learn from her interviews, and do the work necesary to implement the wisdom in your own life.

Indigenous Wisdom

Celtic Myths

And many, many, many others ….

How to approach us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk regarding your pursuits,

new projects, creative opportunities and how we can serve.