Support US

Beloved One,

We, Alja and Ans, love to share our work with you, using this website as a medium.

We both hope and wish it contributes to peoples welbeing and ~fare.

Therefor we have decided to make it available for everyone.

Also the ones who cannot afford to buy books.

While Alja was giving shape to all the stories that came to her,

we ourselves were struggling financially.

We know how hard it is to pay the bills and take care for food on the table

and how comforting it can be to become aware of deeper, universal tellings and narratives.

Ones that make sense.

They have to be available though.

If you  love what we do, our intention behind it

and wish to support us by donating, 

enabling us to keep doing this work,

it would be a blessing.

Your donation is wholeheartedly welcome  on:




IBAN NL 46 RBRB 8837 1146 56

Zwierenberg A 

Rijpert A J M


With warm, heartfelt thanks,

Alja & Ans

How to approach us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk regarding your pursuits,

new projects, creative opportunities and how we can serve.